Tourism Matters to Montana
Tourism Matters to Montana
Travel Industry Rotunda Day at the Capitol, January 13, 2025

Travel Industry Rotunda Day at the Capitol, January 13, 2025

Tourism is a leading industry, attracting 12.5 million non-resident visitors, injecting $5.45 billion into Montana's economy and supporting over 66,000 jobs.

Please join other travel partners on January 13 for the Travel Industry Rotunda Day at the Montana Capitol Building in Helena, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., serving lunch to legislators and providing an opportunity to discuss opportunities in your community with lawmakers.

Montana's visitor economy success is not accidental, but rather the result of policy over the years that provides an industry driven revenue source through the bed tax that supports the general fund, state assets, state programs and grants, and community promotions.

All public is welcome to join in the Rotunda lunch and potential partners who want to be involved can email For more information.